The Abelt family is planning to offer DOG CLASSES again soon, and their GOD-given gifts with animals have been a big blessing to those who have taken classes with them during previous sessions. Listed below are a few details about the different class options that they plan to offer. If you are interested, please contact SUSAN ABELT directly via e-mail – – and she will handle the setup and scheduling.
- Four different class options are being considered for offering. Classes likely will take place on SUNDAY MORNINGS…with the exact TIMES of the Classes being dependent upon what works best for participants. And they will be using the Church parking lot as has been done in the past…but this is subject to change as the Spirit leads.
Class Descriptions
- Basic Obedience and Manners Class – The goal is to make GOD look good with our Remnant pets being mannerly, loving, and under authority. We can modify the exercises to accommodate young puppies, senior dogs, and those with physical challenges. This will involve EIGHT 45-minute training sessions.
- Novice Obedience Class – This will involve more advanced work towards a higher level of focus for dogs and owners who have been through the Basic class and feel they are ready for more. This is also an appropriate class for anyone who would like to prepare their dog for an Obedience Trial at the entry level (Novice). This will involve EIGHT 45-minute training sessions.
- Kids & Dogs Class – 1st through 8th Graders – This class is less formal, and although it stresses the same general principles, the main goal is to have some fun and maybe learn some tricks, all while reinforcing the correct line of authority. This will involve FOUR 30-minute training sessions.
- Dog Grooming Class – This class will teach you step-by-step how to groom your own dog like a professional. This will involve TWO 2-hour training sessions.