Remnant Fellowship members and visitors who live outside of Nashville and are planning on attending The Remnant Fellowship's Feast of Tabernacles September 20th-September 23rd in Brentwood, TN can use this link to register themselves and their family members! This is very helpful as we plan seating, food and other logistical details.
For MEMBER lodging requests for this weekend, please go to, log in as a member, and click on "Needs" and then "housing" and submit your # of people and dates needed for housing.
THURSDAY (Sept. 20th): • 11:30am – 1:30pm – WEIGH DOWN BUILDING – Connection Café and Angels Armoire will be OPEN. Attire: Casual • 5:30pm – ASHLAWN – New Members/New to Nashville/Out-of-Town Saints Gathering. Attire: Cocktail • 5:30pm – CHURCH BUILDING – Youth Gathering for Pizza, Fellowship, and Bonfire. Attire: Casual FRIDAY (Sept. 21st): • 11:00am – 3:00pm – CHURCH BUILDING and GROUNDS – Registration and Fellowship! ◦ Hayrides, playtime, children can bring their bicycles! Enjoy the new bicycle path around the field. Set up your tents for camping out Friday night! • 5:30pm – CHURCH BUILDING and GROUNDS – Fellowship, Concert, and Camping! ◦ Outdoor Concert begins at Dusk. ◦ Bring a salty/sweet side dish. ◦ Grill Team is providing a variety of meats for dinner. ◦ Camping under the stars! • Attire for the afternoon and evening: Casual SABBATH (Sept. 22nd) – CHURCH BUILDING and GROUNDS • 9:30am – Coffee, Donuts, and Fellowship. ◦ Church Grounds will remain OPEN all day for Picnics, Fellowship, and Playtime. Attire: Casual • FORMAL ASSEMBLY: ◦ 3:30pm – Doors open. ◦ 4:00pm – Testimonies begin. ◦ 5:00pm – Assembly. ◦ We will WEBCAST the Assembly. ◦ Bring: Palm Branches and Firstfruit Tithe Offering. ◦ Bring: Salty and/or sweet side dish. The Church will provide MEAT and BREAD selections. ◦ Attire: Formal (includes suits or tuxes for men, cocktail or long dresses for women). • AFTER PARTY: Kick off your shoes and enjoy dancing, food, Fellowship, games for the Youth. FUN! SUNDAY (Sept. 23rd) • Morning Hours: Fellowship Groups ◦ Time, map, and location will be provided to you at Registration on Friday. ◦ Watch your Group’s WhatsApp thread throughout the weekend for updates. ◦ Attire: Casual • 12:00pm (Noon) – CHURCH BUILDING and GROUNDS – Open for picnics, playtime for children, etc. depending upon the weather. • 6:00pm – CHURCH BUILDING and GROUNDS – Fellowship, music, testimonies, etc. depending upon the weather. The Church will provide FOOD for the evening. • Attire: Casual