A completed registration form MUST be submitted for every person participating in Homeschool Co-Op Events & Activities:
Authorization and Release Video and Audio Recording and Photography
I understand that the above-named child(ren) will participate in activities on property owned or leased by the Remnant Fellowship, and that some/all of these activities may be recorded via video, audio, or photography for future inclusion in any variety of materials produced by Remnant Fellowship or Weigh Down Ministries. I hereby grant Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Ministries the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to utilize my child(ren)’s appearance, testimony, voice, or any reproduction thereof in connection with produced materials in any and all manner and media. I agree that Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Ministries will own the copyright of any materials produced. I expressly release Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Ministries, as well as their owners, operators, agents, employees, licensees, and assigns from and against any and all claims – past, present, and future --- which my child may have for invasion of privacy, defamation, personal injury or other cause of action arising out of the production, distribution, and/or broadcast of materials produced by these agents.
Medical Information and “In Loco Parentis” Release
I authorize the attending adults to make necessary decisions should an emergency medical situation arise that concerns the above-named child(ren). I understand that prior to making any decisions regarding my child, every attempt will be made to reach me or another contact person. The adults present will only make decisions in my place – in loco parentis – if it is of utmost importance and emergency and I, or the other parent, guardian, or contact person for my child (listed elsewhere in this form), cannot be reached. I fully authorize that any medical treatment be given to my child as deemed necessary by medical personnel in the event of an emergency. Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down Ministries, the property owners, the Shamblin family, and any other adult leaders, participants, counselors, or volunteers will not be held in any way liable for any injury or accident that occurs during any and all activities on property owned or leased by the Remnant Fellowship.
Transportation Authorization and Release
I understand that Remnant Fellowship activities will sometimes involve transporting the above-named child(ren) in a church van or personal vehicle. I further understand that it is my responsibility to provide a booster seat for my child if needed. See below for Tennessee Law regarding booster seats for ages 4 through 8. (Label any booster seat used for activities with your last name.)
Tennessee’s Child Restraint Law
Public Law 299, Changes effective July 1, 2005
Section 1. TCA, Section 55-9-602, (a) (3) …any person transporting any child, four (4) through eight (8) years of age and measuring less than four feet, nine inches (4’9”) in height, in a passenger motor vehicle upon a road, street or highway of Tennessee is responsible for the protection of the child and properly using a belt-positioning booster seat system, meeting federal motor vehicle safety standards in the rear seat.
Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down Ministries, the property owners, the Shamblin family, and any adults/teachers, vehicle drivers, or vehicle owners will not be held in any way liable for any injury or accident that occurs during transportation.
Physical Activity and Swimming
For all physical activities, indoor and outdoor, structured and unstructured, including (but are not limited to): swimming (supervised), sports and athletic activities, outdoor play, walking and hiking, etc, I understand that it is my responsibility to speak with adult/teacher regarding any medical condition the above-named child(ren) has/have that might interfere with any of these activities. I will also list the conditions in the “Medical Information” section above. Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down Ministries, the property owners, the Shamblin family, and any other staff, participants, counselors, or volunteers will not be held in any way liable for any injury or accident that occurs during any and all activities.
Behavioral Information and Expectations
I understand that Remnant Fellowship event & service organizers expect each participant’s behavior and respect for adults to be at its usual high level. However, if a participant’s behavior falls below what is expected and communicated, any behavioral modification shall be limited to (and not exceed) exclusion from the current activity (a “time-out”), direct communication with parents, and/or potential suspension or expulsion from participating in the sport/activity or event. Every effort will be made to discuss behavioral concerns directly with parents on an on-going basis. I understand that as a parent, I should approach adult/teacher(s) on a regular basis for updates on my child(ren)’s behavior.