Summer Day Camp 2018 - Weekly Fees

Every Child Must Register. CLICK HERE for REGISTRATION
weekly fee waives for children is full-time counselors

Weekly Fees:

  • INCLUDE a daily afternoon snack, craft supplies, early pick up and drop off for campers, water activities, and staffing for each child.
  • No Partial Week Payments-no more daily fees.  If you attend any part of a week, you are responsible for that week's fees.
  • Weekly fees are to be completed no later than THURSDAY, July 19th for the summer.

Cost Breakdown
Per Week
$40 per child per week for the first child in a family.
$28 per child per week for the second child in a family.
$16 per child per week for the 3rd, 4th, 5th child

Family Costs  
One Camper: $40/week or $200 for 5 weeks of camp
Two Campers: $68/week, or $340 for 5 weeks of camp
Three Campers: $84/week, or $420 for 5 weeks of camp
Four Campers: $100/week, or $500 for 5 weeks of camp

Please calculate your camper(s) fees and enter amount below:  


Enter Price:
Apply payment to the following Camper(s)
Check the week(s) attending

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